Do you believe in Fairies ? Say quick that you believe. If you believe, CLAP YOUR HANDS!
J.M.BARRIE 1860-1937

Browsing through my library the other night, I came across a book on Fairies. I removed it from the shelf and took it to the tapestry sofa for a bit of a trip to fantasy land..........

Well, book, comfy sofa, evening all adds up to a trip to the Land of Nod...........

OOOooooooooooOOO ............................

Well, it's there in black and white for all to see..... 'FAIRIES EXIST'.....

Oh look..... that looks like a fairy house, if ever I saw one. Shall we go through the door and see what we can find ? .....
OOOoooooo...... a fairy bed. I have heard that fairies LOVE to sleep......

Oh, there must be quite a few fairies living here ....another fairy bed. Sparkling dandelion wine, candles and rose petals ................

.......... Bedroom three can tell fairies live here.......they just love fairy lights.

I think that this is where the Queen Fairy lays her pretty head.

This is the fairy bathroom..........

............... and, sometimes, when all of the beds are taken, the fairies have to think of ingenious ways to find a bed for the night........ she has found herself a nice
detached, fully insulated, fully furnished little love nest here.

Oh look .......... the fairy dining room..... they do love sparkly things, even when eating !! ..and there they are....the obligatory fairy lights.
Shhhhhhhh .......... I think that we have disturbed one who has just come out of the
bathroom ..... don't let her see you ..... there could be dire consequences if she does.

This is dandelion tea....... an essential fairy beverage, and a book of fairy spells. You never want to cross a fairy ....... they can do untold damage to you if your not careful !!!!

Fairy dust is the most important tool for a fairy .......... they never know when they might need it... and there is an art to using it......... none of this throwing it over people. It must be poured into the palm of the hand and gently blown. Look..... I'll give you a demonstration...............

.......... see..... and you have to be wearing your best frock !!

Oh dear ........... I think that this fairy has had too much dandelion tea...... it's a bit like drinking too much alcohol ...... it can make you hallucinate and do silly things ..........I think that she may be losing her wings if she gets caught !!!!

They love beautiful dresses ..................

.................... and more beautiful dresses ..........

.................... and beautiful fairy shoes (
stilettos are not permitted as they can be dangerous when flying) ..........

.......... and whoa betide them if they forget their fairy crown or fairy wand when they go out. That's why they always leave it on the chair by the door .

Fairies are like magpies or is it jackdaws ? ....they love shiny sparkly things and collect and hoard them. Look at this fairy's collection, she certainly likes a bit of
If you like the latest designer handbag well, this is the fairy
equivalent ....... it's a jewel encrusted cupcake handbag, and costs £10,000 or whatever that is in fairy money. I don't think that your ordinary fairy would be able to have one......... probably in the Fairy Queen's price range.

This is where the fairies dance all night until it starts to get light again, when they go ...................

............... through the spiders web ...........

................ along the beautifully lit garden path.............

.................... and back home to bed again, to dream of fairy shoes, fairy dresses, of being like their heroine, Tinkerbell and of all things sparkly.
.............................. OOOooooooooooOOO ...........................
OH, where am I, what time is it ?
Was I dreaming or do you think that there really are such things as fairies ?
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